Tablehurst and Plaw Hatch Community Farm Coop

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We have a winner!

Tablehurst Farm representatives receiving the BBC Food and Farming Award 2022

Tablehurst Farm has been awarded a wooden chopping board… but before you wonder why the fuss, this is no ordinary wooden chopping board! It’s the BBC Food and Farming Awards 2022!

Read the Press Release here.

The award is a very deserving acknowledgement for the kind of farming that once was the norm and is now hailed as a model for the future: local, sustainable, respectful small-scale farming, organic in more ways than you’d think.

Tablehurst is a proud example of what can be done by a small, dedicated band of gentle, intrepid farming folk: against all the odds of industrialism, computerisation and mass production, this farm along with its sister farm, award winning Plaw Hatch Farm, preserves the future.

You can help become a part of our Preserve The Future campaign Fundraiser by making a donation or purchasing a Coop share.

See this donate button in the original post